Ebb & Flow design and make Flowforms and water gardens in the UK. Flowforms are vessels for flowing water; the lifeblood of Earth. 

Water is essential to life, and rhythm is inherent to water. 

By allowing water to flow rhythmically, we can feel the subtleties of these rhythms reflected in ourselves and our living environment. 

Flowform Cascades

Water cascading from vessel to vessel, generating rhythmic movement and sound.

Radial Flowforms

Water flowing from a central point, generating rhythm in resonant chambers.

Radial Water Sculptures

Water swirls and pulses through a  variety of forms.


In addition to making Flowforms and other water sculptures, Ebb & Flow design and build the water ecologies that surround them. 

Water Gardens for the Home

Moving water and healthy ecologies for the home.

Wastewater Sewage Systems

Integrating sewage with the local ecosystem.

Therapy Gardens for Hospitals etc.

Womens prison yard for over 60s

Rhythmic water and contact with nature for healing spaces.


Shamrock Treating Liquid Manure on a Biodynamic Farm. Shamrock Flowform oxygenating and aerating liquid manure using rhythmic water movement

Supporting life in the agricultural ecology with effluent systems and Biodynamic preparations.


Playgrounds, portable flowforms, and the study of water as a gateway to the study of life.

Natural Swimming Pools

Swimming ponds that don’t rely on chlorine or mechanical filtration.


If you have any questions or would like to know more about Flowforms and how they could enhance your situation, please feel free to give us a call or send an email.

Phone: 01453 836060

Email: info@ebbandflowltd.co.uk