Ebb and Flow Ltd support regenerative agriculture; designing holistic water management systems and developing new practices to assist water in its subtle life supporting role. Our aim is to supporting life and engender health in the agricultural ecology.

The Flowforms have found many practical uses in regenerative agriculture and ecological work. For example they have been used successfully to enhance liquid manure, in aerated compost tea production, in potentization of agricultural preparations, in natural waste water cleaning systems, in baking processes, fermentation, and food handling.

The Flowform sculptures are working with the inherent nature of water, allowing it to express itself in fuller dynamic ways and enhancing its sensitivity to subtle influences. We expect further research to find other valuable applications.

Shamrock Flowform for Farm Effluent

The Shamrock Flowform was designed specifically for the aerobic maturation of liquid manure on dairy farms. Normally liquid manure becomes more acidic under anaerobic conditions until it goes ‘sour’, and as such it does not immediately support the soil life. However aerated liquid manure can become ‘sweet’ and readily acceptable for the soil life, enabling the plants to benefit immediately. 

Aerated Compost Teas

Recent developments by Dr Elaine Ingham and others have shown the potential for aerated teas to strengthen soil life and increase carbon capture very effectively. Flowform aeration has been used in initial trials, and has shown remarkable benefits over air bubblers, both with oxygen retention and quality of plant growth.


For many years, flowforms have been used in the biodynamic approach to organic agriculture, especially in New Zealand and Australia. In particular, they have been used for ‘dynamising’ the biodynamic preparations. The preparations are specific, natural materials, processed in ways to enable them to support the life of a farm or a garden as a whole regenerative organism. 

The dynamisation technique used for making field preparations involves vigorous rhythmic stirring of water combined with a suitable measure of a prepared material. This stiring is usually done by hand for an hour prior to application, but the Flowforms have also proved effective and valuable where large quantities are needed for application to a wider area,  and also especially for more frequent and intensive applications.  

The Large Vortex Flowform, with a flowrate of between 100 and 200 litres/minute, often the design recommended for larger holdings.  This single Flowform can treat up to 1000 litres (more as a set of 3).

For smaller farms or large gardens we have the small Vortex form (sometimes called the Glonn Vortex)- see picture of the set of 3 free standing on the half barrel. The flow rate is around 50-70 litres/minute. 

For medium and small gardens we have the small Glonn (Glonn 2) with a flowrate of  30-50 litres/minute.




Flowforms have found a good application in fish farming. Several designs can be used, but the large, single-chambered Ruskin Flowform was specifically designed to support the health of the fish farm at Ruskin Mill College. This biodynamic aquaculture system supplies trout to local shops, staff and students of the college, and the Café nearby.